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May 20, 2024

We are now accepting enrollment for Riverdance Experience Workshops and Inexperienced Classes!

Hands-on Dance Workshop "Let's Try Riverdance"
Former Riverdance world tour cast Taka Hayashi will give you a simplified version of the Riverdance steps for inexperienced people. Finally Riverdance came to touring Japan for the first time in 9 years! If you are interested, why don't you give it try with authentic professional dancer!

2024/6/8 (Sat) 13:15-14:00 (Minowa KT Studio) Capacity: 12 people
2024/6/9 (Sun) 13:15-14:00 (Musashino Studio) Capacity: 8 people
2024/6/11 (Tue) 13:15-14:00 (Musashino Studio) Capacity 8 people
2024/6/11 (Tue) 20:00-20:45 (Musashino Studio) Capacity: 8 people

Trial lesson fee: 1000 yen each (Prepayment is needed by bank transfer or PayPay to secure the place)

E-mail address: celtictakaATMARKhotmail.com ((please replace) ATMARK→@)

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask me.

Also the enrollment for weekly regular lessons have just started!! ↓

At the same time, enrollment starts the following new inexperienced classes.
Recently it was difficult to start a class exclusively for inexperienced people.
We decide to start the complete new classes.
All Riverdance lovers who could reach to this information that can only be done by searching reluctantly, I feel there is some connection between us. If you want to get started, now is really the best time.

Start dates and Monthly fees
6/15 (Sat) 13:15~14:00 (Minowa KT Studio) 8000 yen per month (4 times a month basis)
6/16 (Sun) 13:15~14:00 (Musashino Studio) 8000 yen per month (4 times a month basis)
6/18 (Tue) 13:15~14:00 (Musashino Studio) 8000 yen per month (4 times a month basis)
6/18 (Tue) 20:00~21:15 (Musashino Studio) 13,000 yen per month (4 times a month basis)

Enrollment Fee Campaign
The enrollment fee is usually 10,800 yen only once in a life time, but it will be 5,610 yen until the end of June 2024 in celebration of winning the solo gold medal at the World Championships in April 2024.
In addition, there is no enrollment fee only for those who take a trial lesson and join on that day and pay the monthly fee (calculated 3 times on Saturdays and Sundays for June, calculated on 2 days on Tuesdays)! (This is the first time ever campaign that the enrollment fee become free!! )

投稿者 Taka : May 20, 2024 02:44 PM


